Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy to be happy!!

I really enjoy the topic for this post. I like to think of myself as a very optimistic, happy person. I don't like negativity, and refuse to surround myself with individuals who have a negative persona. That being said, I think that happiness can be defined in many ways. As an individual, I have many ups and downs per day, but I always feel best when I am thinking positively and happy! My students will be the first to tell you...I can be upset at their behavior one minute, and in the very next, be smiling and joking. They actually laugh at me for this.

I like the idea of purposefully setting aside time per week and setting goals to do things that make me happy. This week, although I'm sick, I decided to book a flight back to NE for a weekend in April, to see several of my college sorority sisters at an alumni event. While I tried to talk myself out of this (for economic reasons...), I ended up thinking about how happy it would make me to see my closest friends on that weekend. So, I put my doubts aside and booked the flight! I now have a very exciting weekend to look forward to, and this makes me very happy.

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